Tag: stupidity

Scientifically Proven Ways to Tell if You’re Stupid

Scientifically Proven Ways to Tell if You’re Stupid

According to the Academic Scientists Society of America, there are ten scientifically proven ways to tell if you are a big fat dummy.  After extensive lab tests, brain scans, control groups, and internet surfing, the Society released its initial findings on their website (www.assofamerica.com).  The final report will be published in the Journal of American Idiots this fall. Here is the summation of their findings in an easy to remember top ten list: 1 - If your age is higher than your IQ 2 - If it took you a while to figure out the answer to number one 3 - If you thought the KKK was a Krispy Kreme Kampaign 4 - If you always wanted to visit the Sixteenth Chapel 5 - If you've ever said, "I'm literally LMAO right now!" 6 - If you finally heard Whitney Houston sing "I Will...