Month: July 2017

Women Losing Interest in Equality with Men
Politics, Society

Women Losing Interest in Equality with Men

Self-respecting women all over the globe are giving up their struggle for equality with men, and are now fighting for something - anything - else. It seems that the newest addition to the Oval Office is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. "We're okay with inequality now," said Republican Senator from Maine, Susan Collins, while watching a recent presidential address. "No, really, we don't mind. It's time we raise our standard anyway." Former first lady Barbara Bush had a similar, almost visceral, reaction: "If equality means being considered equivalent to that (holding up a picture of Trump) then we don't want it." "I agree," commented the former governor of New Jersey, Christine Todd Whitman.  "Equality is now an offensive term - from a mathematical point of view, we...
American Youth Locked in a Room and Forced to Read

American Youth Locked in a Room and Forced to Read

A young boy from a town as normal as the next, recounts a scene so horrific that it just might make you pee your pants. He is like any other kid his age.  You might even call him “the kid next door.”  His neighbors do.  He plays on his Wii and Xbox most days and, when he’s not doing that, he’s looking at memes on 9Gag in between his favorite TV shows and YouTube videos. But, according to Daryl (not his real name), on June 20, 2017 something so terrible happened it almost shouldn’t be told (in fact, it almost wasn’t because his account consisted of so many “Oh my GERDs” and “Trollolols” we had no idea what he was saying, until we got his English teacher to translate). “It’s still so hard to talk about,” Daryl recounted slowly as he rocked back and forth in his chair, the dim light ...
Grammarian no Logger Givs a Fying Fluck

Grammarian no Logger Givs a Fying Fluck

After seatting down one day four a leasurly reed of of his favurit fillosofer, Camoo, redired engrish pufesor Graham Hurnozty had a crishis of egzistenchal portions; He know logger gayve a fying fluck. The wrds and comas and pereods and such - at won time in purfect boxes lining the shhelvs of hi smind - now excaped like wild monkees frum the zu "Nufing reelly maders enymoor" Graham said despondently in a sing songy voyce.  "Enyone can c.  Nufing reelly meeeeeeee,, Wee wached this wonce starwalt of a mahn, a pillur of pryed and intelect, who's rulles were his glorey, becum a shelll ov his former sellf, Pityfull.  Boken. Four waht wee widnessed.  ANd four dis pour wretch of a sole - unhindjed and adrifft in a see of dispare - we aufer dis: l(a le af f...