Tag: al gore

Al Gore’s Carbon Footprint Now Visible from Space
Sci-Tech, World

Al Gore’s Carbon Footprint Now Visible from Space

Spectacular new images of Earth were released by NASA yesterday detailing various aspects of our magnificent blue and green marble. One photo in particular stood out above the rest: a crystal clear shot of billions of carbon molecules in the form of a giant footprint covering most of North America. Scientists would have been completely in the dark as to the owner of the footprint if not for the letters “GORE” on the bottom of the foot. Apparently, what started out as a tiny dot not worth mentioning has turned into one of the greatest marvels in all of human history. And, according to scientists monitoring this man-made phenomena affecting our ozone, Mr. Gore deserves all of the credit. “It’s amazing really,” said one climatologist. “Not only has he eloquently explained to us wh...
Melting Glaciers Making Really Nice Ice Cubes for the Inuit

Melting Glaciers Making Really Nice Ice Cubes for the Inuit

GREENLAND–Last year, a melting glacier known as the Petermann glacier calved off a sizable chunk of ice approximately twice the size of Manhattan. And the Inuit couldn’t be happier. Apparently, the Greenlandic natives have been benefiting from global warming trends for quite some time. Much of the ice that has been breaking off of these glaciers is going directly into their handmade water pouches. “Oh yeah. It’s the yak’s pajamas!” said local fisherman Imnek. “When life gives us lemons, we make glacially iced lemonade. You should try some.” Scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (a branch of the United Nations located in Geneva, Switzerland) are almost unanimous in their consensus as to the chief cause; though a few have noted that the Earth has gone through warming...