Tag: men and sports

Man Watching Sports Match thinks he Could Easily do that Too if he Tried

Man Watching Sports Match thinks he Could Easily do that Too if he Tried

Richard Head stumbled on a football match last Saturday and was fairly unimpressed. "Meh," he said to himself as he grabbed another beer. "I could do that." His longtime girlfriend, Emily, nodded and said, "Mhmm." "Please," he rebutted, "run around and kick a ball into a huge net? Easy." Richard recalled his early days when he was strong, coordinated, and 20 years younger. He dominated neighborhood pickup games and was consistently called "fairly athletic for his size" by multiple people. "Hey, I played in college, remember?" he continued, disturbed by Emily's skepticism. "You played DURING college, Richard," she replied. "Playing on a men's team while you were in college is not the same as playing collegiate sports. There's a huge difference. And now you're saying you...